PodThought: Reflecting on the Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. After studying the blessed life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, one will observe that he was tested every step of his life, even though he was the most beloved creation of Allah, the Exalted. Therefore, a test and difficulty isContinue reading “PodThought: Reflecting on the Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)”

PodThought: The Inevitable Resurrection

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. Logically speaking, the Day of Judgement is something which must occur. If one observes the universe they will notice many examples of balance. For example, the Earth is at a perfect and balanced distance from the Sun. If the Earth was slightly closer or further awayContinue reading “PodThought: The Inevitable Resurrection”

PodThought: Hearing vs Listening

I had a thought, which I wanted to share. It is important to understand the difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is simply acknowledging a sound with one’s mind even if they fail to make sense of the noise. For example, a person may hear someone shouting at them from a great distance but theyContinue reading “PodThought: Hearing vs Listening”


I had a thought which I wanted to share. It is obvious that envy has affected many muslims. In fact, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, warned this would occur in a Hadith found in Jami At Tirmidhi, number 2510. It leads to many other negative characteristics and problems. For example,Continue reading “PODTHOUGHT: ELIMINATE JEALOUSY”


I had a thought which I wanted to share. It is important to understand that even though people strive in this material world in order to achieve peace of mind it is not possible to achieve in this world as it has not been placed in the material world. Chapter 13 Ar Ra’d, verse 28:Continue reading “PODTHOUGHT: ETERNAL REST”


I had a thought which I wanted to share. There are many muslims who desire lawful things, such as a child and instead of being content with what Allah, the Exalted, chose for them they instead pursue their desires in lawful ways such as spiritual exercises based on the Holy Quran and the traditions ofContinue reading “PODTHOUGHT: FULFIL YOUR WISHES”


I had a thought which I wanted to share. Muslims often question how they can mould their life to fit their faith instead of moulding their faith in order to fit their worldly life. One of the ways of achieving this is by always performing the obligatory prayers as soon as they occur for womenContinue reading “PODTHOUGHT: MOULDING LIFE”


I had a thought which I wanted to share. It is important for muslims to understand an important point in respect to advising others. It is the duty of muslims to advise others towards good and forbid evil but a muslim should not behave as if they have been put in charge as controllers overContinue reading “PODTHOUGHT: NOT A CONTROLLER”


I had a thought, which I wanted to share. Those who disbelieve or avoid acting on their faith in Islam do so out of love for the material world and the things within it. They believe that believing or acting on their faith will prevent them from enjoying worldly blessings meaning, for them faith isContinue reading “PODTHOUGHT: FAITH IS FREEDOM –”


I had a thought which I wanted to share. I was pondering about the important duty on all muslims to command good and forbid evil. Chapter 3 Alee Imran, verse 110: “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe inContinue reading “PODTHOUGHT: ADVISE OTHERS DIFFERENTLY”